The reason I'm asking is because when I convert each .tif to a .jpg, I get an"Embedded IOC invalid profile" error when opening up the resulting image in Photoshop. I can avoid this issue by forcing the ColorType to be RGB on image #1 or forcing the ColorType to be Gray for image #2. But it appears that the resulting object (magickImageSource ) looks identical for both. How can I determine which images need to be RGB and which ones need to be Gray when I convert? Or is there a more generic way to handle that. I know that the following line of code results in null for both as well so I don't think I can read that:
ExifProfile ep= magickImageSource.GetExifProfile();
Also, the object (magickImageSource ) has the following value:
ExifProfile ep= magickImageSource.GetExifProfile();
Also, the object (magickImageSource ) has the following value:
magickImageSource.GetAttribute("tiff:photometric") = "min-is-black".
Shouldn't the value be "RGB' for image #1.