Good morning, I installed ImageMagick.Net with NuGet (Install-Package Magick.NET-Q8-x86) and it works correctly locally. However, when I compile and upload the files to the server, it gives the following error:
Thank you very much for your help.
Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'ImageMagick.MagickImage' is not defined.
Source Error:
Line 19: End If
Line 20:
Line 21: Dim picture As New ImageMagick.MagickImage(Server.MapPath("~/mycube/img/") + uri)
Line 22: 'Dim picture As New ImageMagick.MagickImage("C:\AppServ\www\hossman\" + uri)
Line 23:
My code:Public Class mycube
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim uri As String = ""
uri = Request.QueryString("uri")
Catch ex As Exception
uri = ""
End Try
If uri Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim picture As New ImageMagick.MagickImage(Server.MapPath("~/mycube/img/") + uri)
Dim ancho As Integer = picture.Width()
Dim alto As Integer = picture.Height()
picture.BackgroundColor = ImageMagick.MagickColor.Transparent
picture.MatteColor = ImageMagick.MagickColor.Transparent
picture.VirtualPixelMethod = ImageMagick.VirtualPixelMethod.Transparent
picture.Distort(ImageMagick.DistortMethod.Perspective, New Double() {0, 0, 2, 2, ancho, 0, 192, 1, ancho, alto, 193, 242, 0, alto, 2, 230})
Dim fondo As New ImageMagick.MagickImage(Server.MapPath("~/mycube/img/") + "3dcubof.png")
fondo.Composite(picture, 20, 16, ImageMagick.CompositeOperator.Over)
fondo.BackgroundColor = ImageMagick.MagickColor.Transparent
Dim buffer As New System.IO.MemoryStream
fondo.ToBitmap().Save(buffer, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
Dim output = buffer.GetBuffer()
Response.ContentType = "image/png"
System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/mycube/img/") + uri)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I do not know how to fix it ... I have checked that the dll is correctly generated in the bin folder, and as I said, on my local computer works correctly, only server failure (both locally and on the server I have. Net Framework 4.0). Thank you very much for your help.