On the same page, I need to convert the PDF to Base64 JPG AND save the JPG to disk
Code to convert to Base64 which works fine.
The code below gives me the error message:
Code to convert to Base64 which works fine.
Using image As New MagickImage(file.InputStream)
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
image.Format = MagickFormat.Jpeg
image.Density = 400
imgString = ImageToBase64(Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
End Using
End Using
Convert same PDF httpPostedFile to a JPG and save on disk - NOT WORKING.The code below gives me the error message:
An exception of type 'ImageMagick.MagickMissingDelegateErrorException' occurred in Magick.NET-x86.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Magick: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/blob.c/BlobToImage/359
Using image1 As New MagickImage(file.InputStream)
image1.Format = MagickFormat.Jpeg
image1.Density = 400
image1.Write(Server.MapPath("Scan/") & folderName & "/" & fileRecNumber & "_" & fileMonth & "_" & fileYear & "_" & imgId & ".jpg")
End Using