Hi, I'm getting strange artifacts inside caption on CMYK image, check this screenshot:
Heres the code:
If you prefer you can download all files here:
Is something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for this library, you're a lifesaver.
Heres the code:
Imports ImageMagick
public class PageClass
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
sub Page_Load(Src as Object, E As EventArgs)
Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG"
Dim backgroundImage As New MagickImage("https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftnjf3ov3gjth9x/test_cmyk.jpg?dl=1")
'Uncomment this line for RGB test
'Dim backgroundImage As New MagickImage("https://www.dropbox.com/s/jghdwo6e851m9tw/test_rgb.jpg?dl=1")
backgroundImage.Quality = 100
Dim settings As New MagickReadSettings()
settings.Width = 300
settings.Height = 200
settings.FontPointSize = 80
settings.BackgroundColor = MagickColors.Transparent
settings.FillColor = new MagickColor(new ColorCMYK(new Percentage(6),new Percentage(7),new Percentage(96),new Percentage(0)))
'Uncomment this line for RGB test
'settings.FillColor = new MagickColor("#f2e22b")
Dim textImage As New MagickImage("caption:test", settings)
backgroundImage.Composite(textImage, 20, 20, CompositeOperator.Over)
backgroundImage.Write(Response.OutputStream, MagickFormat.Jpeg)
end sub
end class
In my tests I discovered that if increase the width considerably the artifacts do not appear.If you prefer you can download all files here:
Is something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for this library, you're a lifesaver.