Getting a description is currently not available in Magick.NET. Creating this is not impossible but will take a lot of work. There is a great list with descriptions here: and I could create a class that would use a description when you do
As you can see it is not impossible but would take quite some time to complete. If you are willing to help me create this class we can add it to Magick.NET much quicker.
. It would work something like this:internalstaticclass ExifDescriptions { publicstaticstring GetDescription(ExifTag tag, object value) { switch (tag) { case ExifTag.ResolutionUnit: return GetResolutionUnitDescription((ushort) value); default: returnnull; } } privatestaticstring GetResolutionUnitDescription(ushort value) { switch(value) { default: return"None"; case 2: return"Inches"; case 3: return"Cm"; } } }