Hello, I just updated my application to use the latest version of Magick.Net and am running into a few issues. Most I think I have resolved due to some changes but I am having problems with converting some existing code. For instance the following code is not being accepted when I try to draw an outline. It appears the Drawable class is no longer there. Any ideas what I may need to do differently.
int DestWidth = DestinationImage.Width;
int DestHeight = DestinationImage.Height;
int LineThickness = 1;
List<Drawable> Outline = new List<Drawable>();
Outline.Add(new DrawableStrokeColor(Color.LightGray));
if (useDashedLinesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
double[] dash = new double[] { 10, 10 };
Outline.Add(new DrawableDashArray(dash));
Outline.Add(new DrawableStrokeWidth(LineThickness));
Outline.Add(new DrawableLine(LineThickness, LineThickness, DestWidth - LineThickness, LineThickness));
Outline.Add(new DrawableLine(DestWidth - LineThickness, LineThickness, DestWidth - LineThickness, DestHeight - LineThickness));
Outline.Add(new DrawableLine(DestWidth - LineThickness, DestHeight - LineThickness, LineThickness, DestHeight - LineThickness));
Outline.Add(new DrawableLine(1, DestHeight - LineThickness, LineThickness, LineThickness));