I'm trying to create an image with a type 128C barcode using Magick.NET- Whatever I try, I can not get the barcode recognized by a barcode scaner or zbarimg although, to the naked eye, the image looks similar to another image, for the same code, generated using System.Drawing.
I try to do this in Dynamics AX 2009 (ERP software) that has it's own language called x++ but it can use C# libraries (if added to references).
My code looks similar to what one normaly use in C# but with some differences. Maybe someone can take a look to see if I'm missing something to generate a valid barcode
first I declare the variables :
I'm trying to create an image with a type 128C barcode using Magick.NET- Whatever I try, I can not get the barcode recognized by a barcode scaner or zbarimg although, to the naked eye, the image looks similar to another image, for the same code, generated using System.Drawing.
I try to do this in Dynamics AX 2009 (ERP software) that has it's own language called x++ but it can use C# libraries (if added to references).
My code looks similar to what one normaly use in C# but with some differences. Maybe someone can take a look to see if I'm missing something to generate a valid barcode
first I declare the variables :
str barcodetxt;
InteropPermission permission;
ImageMagick.MagickImage image;
ImageMagick.MagickColor bgColor, fontColor;
ImageMagick.Gravity gravity;
System.Byte r, g, b;
System.Text barcodeTxtNet;
BarcodeCode128 MyBarcode = BarcodeCode128::construct();
Image BarcodeImage;
Int64 barcodeBitmapPtr;
System.Drawing.Bitmap barcodeBitmap;
Container returnData;
now the code that generates the bitmap permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); //this allows me to call C# code on the server tier
permission .assert();
r = System.Convert::ToByte(255);
g = System.Convert::ToByte(255);
b = System.Convert::ToByte(255);
bgColor = new ImageMagick.MagickColor(r,g,b); //create a image with white background
image = new ImageMagick.MagickImage(bgColor, 800, 240); //set the size
//next I try to set the bit depth to 1 but it dosn't seem to work
//(if I save the image as a bmp it has bit depth of 32 and 8 if I save it as a jpg)
barcodetxt = '6625020060338943108201500001061102';//this is the code
//MyBarCode is a class that encodes the above code to code 128C
barcodetxt = strfmt('label:%1', barcodetxt);
// now barcodetext has this value: label:%"*"$%*!&&&%%&&)-!!#'%%-!')&#"""-&%&'!)%&&&%&"&#'""&&%*!&')!1
//if I copy this code in an word document and use the same font I get a valid barcode!
r = System.Convert::ToByte(0);
g = System.Convert::ToByte(0);
b = System.Convert::ToByte(0);
fontColor = new ImageMagick.MagickColor(r,g,b);
gravity = ImageMagick.Gravity::Center;