I am trying to place colored text on a black caption area. However, it seems no matter what I set the background color it doesn't change. The caption area is always remains white. Any ideas what is going on?
Using Any-Cpu version in VS2013
Using Any-Cpu version in VS2013
'Add Timestamp Caption
Dim CaptionbgColor = New MagickColor("#000000") 'Color for the caption background color doesn't seem to take
Dim CaptionfontFamily = "Arial-Italic"
Using timestampImage = New MagickImage(CaptionbgColor, 352, 14)
timestampImage.FillColor = New MagickColor("#9900FF") '__This works__ and changes the font color
timestampImage.Font = CaptionfontFamily
timestampImage.FontPointsize = 12
timestampImage.Read("caption:As of " + Now.ToString)
image.Composite(timestampImage, Gravity.North, CompositeOperator.Over)
'Save the result
image.Write(myFilesTempOutputDirectory + "imagePostOverlayCaption.jpg")
End Using