Hoping somone can help me. I am trying to translate this bit of code found here for the torn paper edge effect. I don't quite grasp the example code they have but am hoping someone might be able to translate this for me into C#
convert thumbnail.gif -bordercolor linen -border 8x8 \
convert thumbnail.gif -bordercolor linen -border 8x8 \
-background Linen -gravity SouthEast -splice 10x10+0+0 \
\( +clone -alpha extract -virtual-pixel black \
-spread 10 -blur 0x3 -threshold 50% -spread 1 -blur 0x.7 \) \
-alpha off -compose Copy_Opacity -composite \
-gravity SouthEast -chop 10x10 torn_paper_corner.png
I have tried doing a masking layer but since the aspect ratio of the final image varies so much it is less than ideal.