I did, indeed, install Ghostscript. An interesting development, though, is that I can get it working fine with the x64 libraries. If I create a new project, target x64 in the Build menu, and use the x64 libraries, I can do a straight copy/paste of code from the AnyCPU project to the x64 project and it works as expected. However, I can't do parallel operations with the x64 libraries. By parallel operations, I mean take all the business logic from Main, wrap it in an Action with a lambda, and execute a Parallel.Invoke using the TPL passing in the same action twice. So, there could be two additional scenarios that might help shed light as to what's going on.
Lambda example:
Lambda example:
Action<int> task = (int num) => { ...everything from main...};
Parallel.Invoke(() => {task(1);}, () => {task(2);});