So I'm using a FileSystemWatcher to watch a folder for new images. When a new image comes in raised eventHandler will take the new file, check orientation, add a border, composite it with a background and write it all out.
Oddly, if I drop 10 images in, it cranks through without issue. But if I drop a new image in, wait 2 seconds and then drop another in I get an error message. If I tell the program to sleep for 5-6 seconds, then it doesn't seem have an issue. But I'm sure this is going to vary depending on file size. Is there any way to prevent it? I tried doing sleep(0) to wait for the thread to finish, but that didn't work.
Oddly, if I drop 10 images in, it cranks through without issue. But if I drop a new image in, wait 2 seconds and then drop another in I get an error message. If I tell the program to sleep for 5-6 seconds, then it doesn't seem have an issue. But I'm sure this is going to vary depending on file size. Is there any way to prevent it? I tried doing sleep(0) to wait for the thread to finish, but that didn't work.
private void startActivityMonitoring(string sPath)
// This is the path we want to monitor
watchFolder.Path = sPath;
// Make sure you use the OR on each Filter because we need to monitor
// all of those activities
watchFolder.NotifyFilter = System.IO.NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
watchFolder.NotifyFilter =
watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.NotifyFilters.FileName;
watchFolder.NotifyFilter =
watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.NotifyFilters.Attributes;
// Now hook the triggers(events) to our handler (eventRaised)
watchFolder.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(eventRaised);
// Occurs when a file or directory is renamed in the specific path
//watchFolder.Renamed += new System.IO.RenamedEventHandler(eventRenameRaised);
// And at last.. We connect our EventHandles to the system API (that is all
// wrapped up in System.IO)
watchFolder.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
catch (ArgumentException)
private void eventRaised(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)
string prevFile = null;
string archivePath = Path.Combine(txtHotfolder.Text, "archive");
if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired)
txtStatus.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { prevFile = txtStatus.Text; }));
if (e.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Created && prevFile != e.Name)
string newFile = e.FullPath;
//setup output path make sure the folder is there
string outputPath = @"C:\output\";
if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath))
using (MagickImageCollection images = new MagickImageCollection())
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
//add the image
MagickImage image = new MagickImage(newFile);
image.BorderColor = Color.White;
MagickImage background = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(appPath, "backgroud.jpg"));
background.ColorSpace = ColorSpace.sRGB;
background.Composite(image, Gravity.Center, CompositeOperator.Over);
DrawableFont font = new DrawableFont("Arial");
DrawablePointSize pointSize = new DrawablePointSize(40);
DrawableFillColor fillcolor = new DrawableFillColor(Color.White);
DrawableStrokeColor strokeColor = new DrawableStrokeColor(Color.Black);
DrawableText text = new DrawableText(40, background.Height - 50, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFile));
background.Draw(font, pointSize, strokeColor, fillcolor, text);
string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputPath, Path.GetFileName(newFile));