But still. How to know color model of an image? Is there a 100% true way? I tried to do this by icc:model, but it seems like bmp files can't have such properties, and png files don't have icc:model for sRGB.
I converted bmp and png files to sRGB and Adobe RGB color models using photoshop and online converter. Photoshop defines them as sRGB or Adobe RGB, But using "identify" I can't find any property to define my pic
What is the right way to know is my pic is sRGB or anyOther RGB using Magick.net?
Thank you for your patience.
Here are links to my pics if they are needed
1_srgb.bmp: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6MjViV0QxcHJ2X0U&authuser=0
2_srgb.png https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6QVJ3UmlMZjlmUjA&authuser=0
2_AdobeRgb.png https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6ZnRjUUYzM3lCNzQ&authuser=0
I converted bmp and png files to sRGB and Adobe RGB color models using photoshop and online converter. Photoshop defines them as sRGB or Adobe RGB, But using "identify" I can't find any property to define my pic
What is the right way to know is my pic is sRGB or anyOther RGB using Magick.net?
Thank you for your patience.
Here are links to my pics if they are needed
1_srgb.bmp: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6MjViV0QxcHJ2X0U&authuser=0
2_srgb.png https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6QVJ3UmlMZjlmUjA&authuser=0
2_AdobeRgb.png https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4yo-MaegHW6ZnRjUUYzM3lCNzQ&authuser=0