Yes i did use the 'Create animated gif.' example, but didnt come up with a solution, how exactly do i add multiple images to a single frame? What i have for now are 4 of these images and i want to add them to a single gif image in a single frame each with its own pallete (this is just a test case)
Is there anything i am missing?
using (MagickImageCollection collection = new MagickImageCollection())
for (int a = 0; a < subImages.Count; a++)
collection.Add(new MagickImage(subImages[a].fullBmp));
//collection[a].AlphaColor = subImages[a].transparent;
//collection[a].AnimationDelay = 400;
QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings();
settings.ColorSpace = ColorSpace.RGB;
settings.Colors = subImages[a].palette.Count+1;
/*using(MagickImage result = collection.merge())
I know that you can assing a color per palette to be transparent in a GIF image but i dont know if i am doing that right also. Anyways i tryed all of the combinations to get the result i want but it doesnt seem to be happening. I tryed using every AlphaOption with every MagickImage result = collection.() that could do what i wanted to do but nothing seems to get me the right thing.Is there anything i am missing?