it works !! (just save the file with pjpg extension)
Your perfect and quick answer probe that you are working on this project seriously.
Thank you very much.
Regarding the subsampling option, you are pointing to the right direction. (sampling-factor)
I was using image and pixel manipulation with the native .net tools for years with success.
The fundamental reason to start using imageMagic and your excellent .Net wrapper is the progressive and subsampling definitions (you can read, but you can't save an image with standard .NET framework with the progressive jpeg feature)
Thank you one more time for all your help. You are doing an excellent job.
I will follow the discussion of the sampling-factor.
Your perfect and quick answer probe that you are working on this project seriously.
Thank you very much.
Regarding the subsampling option, you are pointing to the right direction. (sampling-factor)
I was using image and pixel manipulation with the native .net tools for years with success.
The fundamental reason to start using imageMagic and your excellent .Net wrapper is the progressive and subsampling definitions (you can read, but you can't save an image with standard .NET framework with the progressive jpeg feature)
Thank you one more time for all your help. You are doing an excellent job.
I will follow the discussion of the sampling-factor.