Heya! I've been using a batch file for some simple cropping of a bunch of images into smaller chunks for a project and I recently decided to not use a batch file and use C# because it allows me to have a lot more flexibility and customization. In the batch file I was using this line.
REM size of chunks
set SIZEX=1280
set SIZEY=720
REM amount of times left and up from the origin tile.
set OFFSETX=-1
set OFFSETY=-1
REM del "output\*.png"
convert "*.png" -crop %SIZEX%x%SIZEY% -set filename:tile "%%t %%[fx:page.x/%SIZEX%+%OFFSETX%]_%%[fx:page.y/%SIZEY%+%OFFSETY%]" "output\%%[filename:tile].png"
The convert line specifically, is there a simple way to do that using the .NET MagickImage framework? Or will I have to create the loops myself? Thanks. :)